Getting Started with Smart Contracts using Solidity

I came in contact with Blockchain technology only quite recently (mid 2016) and have been an interested, but rather passive member of the local Blockchain community. However, when I was asked if I would be interested in organizing a Coding Dojo on a Blockchain topic, I was motivated to dive a little deeper. For this purpose, I wrote my first Smart Contract for the Ethereum Blockchain using Solidity.

In this post, I won’t explain what a Blockchain is or what Ethereum and Smart Contracts are, I rather want to share the example I built for the Coding Dojo to give the reader an idea of what building a DApp (decentralized application) looks like purely from the technological ecosystem and the code required to get something running.

Let’s get started!

The whole code for this example can be found here

The Contract

First of all, I want to outline the application we’re going to build. If I think about blockchain technology, I always have things in mind which deal with money and with trust as well as the words hype and buzzword, so it seems only natural to build a crazy crowdfunding system for reckless startups! ;)

I present the Winner Takes All Crowdfunding Contract:

Maybe a bit crazy and not very practical, but definitely an interesting example :)


First up, as with every other software project, we’ll need some initial setup to get going. There are already some frameworks (of course there are…) for building DApps, which are mentioned in the resources below. However, in our example we will stay with a very simple setup.

We will use Solidity as the language for building the contract and web3.js for testing and creating a simple frontend for interacting with the contract.

Because installing dependencies is bothersome, we will also use Docker for running our local blockchain and for building our contract. We will use testrpc as our local blockchain, which is convenient, as Smart Contracts use Gas (money) to run and with testRPC it at least won’t cost us any real money and all blocks wll be mined instantly.

We won’t deploy the contract to any real blockchain in this example, but you can find lots of documentation in the official docs of Ethereum and Solidity on that topic.

Now, for compiling our smart contract, there are several options. We can use browser-solidity as a Web-IDE and copy/paste the generated web3 code from there every time we change something. However, I prefer to work locally.

In order to do that, we need solc to compile our contract, then one-lineify (remove line breaks) the contract and somehow get it into our JavaScript application with web3.js. For this purpose, I created a docker container which mounts the given folder, runs solc on the contract.sol file in that folder, then one-lineify’s the code and writes it into a contract.js file in the same folder.

Now, this works for the purpose of this example, but doesn’t generalize well (e.g.: multiple contracts), but the frameworks mentioned below all have mechanisms for building contracts.

We could also go a different route and automatically paste the binary output of solc into the JavaScript file, or really any other way of getting our compiled contract into our application and on the blockchain. But for this very simple example, this simplistic container-based approach will suffice.

To run testRPC locally, execute

docker pull harshjv/testrpc
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 harshjv/testrpc

To run the solidity build container, execute

docker pull mzupzup/soliditybuilder
docker run -v /path/to/this/folder:/sol mzupzup/soliditybuilder

Or, if you want automatic file-watching as well (not on Windows), you may also use:

docker pull mzupzup/soliditywatcher
docker run -v /path/to/this/folder:/sol mzupzup/soliditywatcher

If it all works, we can begin working on our contract!

Contract Implementation

The core part of this application will be the contract. The full code can be found in contract.sol within the GitHub repo.

Here is a link to the official solidity docs.

I found it to be quite convenient to develop the basis of the contract using browser-solidity and then, after I had an idea what it would look like, move to my local setup and web3.js testing (described below).

I’ll go over the code step by step and explain my reasoning behind the decisions I made. Keep in mind that Solidity is under very heavy development. From the time I wrote this example up until now Solidity moved from version 0.4.6 to 0.4.10 with lots of changes, so this example could already be outdated when you read it ;)

Also, with this being my first contract and the whole sphere of Smart Contracts being relatively new, there aren’t many best-practices established yet, so I’m sure many things can be done more efficiently / elegantly than I managed to do.

I took the simple approach, that when I ran into a problem and couldn’t find an answer within the docs or a quick web search, then I built a workaround. Some of these workarounds might seem weird, but if you consider that these contracts need to run on a decentralized, no-trust system, some of the limitations within the language will become more clear.

pragma solidity ^0.4.6;

The first line of the contract tells the compiler which version the following code is written in.

contract WinnerTakesAll {

Afterwards, we define our contract - this is similar to the class statement in other languages.

    uint minimumEntryFee;
    uint public deadlineProjects;
    uint public deadlineCampaign;
    uint public winningFunds;
    address public winningAddress;

We define some state variables for our contract, where we will save the initial parameters, which project is in the lead and how much money it has pledged to it. Some of these have the public modifier, which means, that we can access them (only reading) from the outside. This way, we could display the deadlines and the current winner in our UI.

    struct Project {
        address addr;
        string name;
        string url;
        uint funds;
        bool initialized;

Solidity provides us with the ability to create user-defined structures called structs. While we can only use these inside our contract, they are still useful to organize our data. In this case, we create a structure for a proposed Project.

    mapping (address => Project) projects;
    address[] public projectAddresses;
    uint public numberOfProjects;

In order to keep track of state-changes within our contract (e.g.: a user pledging money to a project), we also create a so-called mapping. These mappings are similar to hashMaps in other languages, but have some limitations (not iterable for example).

Solidity doesn’t let us expose these mappings to the public, so we also track at least the addresses of the proposed projects in an address[] array, in order to be able to query info about the proposed projects from the UI. Another limitation is, that these arrays, even if they are public, are a bit bothersome to query, so we also save the numberOfProjects variable, so we know how many projects are proposed at any point in time.

    event ProjectSubmitted(address addr, string name, string url, bool initialized);
    event ProjectSupported(address addr, uint amount);
    event PayedOutTo(address addr, uint winningFunds);

These events are only used debugging purposes in our contract. We can basically use them to log to the blockchain, which can be helpful when testing and debugging the contract. We can also listen to these events using web3.js, which is described in the next section.

In this case, we create an event for all our transactions as well as for the finishing of the contract.

    function WinnerTakesAll(uint _minimumEntryFee, uint _durationProjects, uint _durationCampaign) public {
        if (_durationCampaign <= _durationProjects) {
        minimumEntryFee = _minimumEntryFee;
        deadlineProjects = now + _durationProjects* 1 seconds;
        deadlineCampaign = now + _durationCampaign * 1 seconds;
        winningAddress = msg.sender;
        winningFunds = 0;

Now that we are through with all of our state-variables and events, we get to our functions!

This function is the constructor, which is the transaction with which the contract is created. In this case, we supply the two deadlines as well as the minimum entry fee we want to set.

As you can see, Solidity provides a nice API for handling dates with the now keyword as well as the possibility to add and subtract time units from it.

If the campaign deadline is before the proposal deadline, we throw, which is basically Solidity’s way of throwing an error. This means, that the whole transaction is canceled at this point and all funds are returned.

    function submitProject(string name, string url) payable public returns (bool success) {
        if (msg.value < minimumEntryFee) {
        if (now > deadlineProjects) {
        if (!projects[msg.sender].initialized) {
            projects[msg.sender] = Project(msg.sender, name, url, 0, true);

            numberOfProjects = projectAddresses.length;
            ProjectSubmitted(msg.sender, name, url, projects[msg.sender].initialized);
            return true;
        return false;

Alright, with our constructed contract in place, it’s time to submit our first project proposal. We do this with the submitProject function, which takes a name and a URL of the project.

Notice the use of the payable modifier, which means that this is in fact a transaction. This means, that we have access to the msg.value and msg.sender variables, which are the address of the transaction’s sender and the money they sent.

We check if the msg.value is above our specified minimumEntryFee, and if it’s not, we throw, canceling the transaction. We also throw if the proposal deadline lies in the past.

Then we check, if there is already a project from the sending address with the initialized flag. Unfortunately, there is no way to check whether a mapping already includes a key or not, because it is automatically initialized with every possible key, so we have to do it this way.

If the project is from a new address, we create a Project, add it to the mapping as well as to our address[] list and trigger our ProjectSubmitted event.

    function supportProject(address addr) payable public returns (bool success) {
        if (msg.value <= 0) {
        if (now > deadlineCampaign || now <= deadlineProjects) {
        if (!projects[addr].initialized) {
        projects[addr].funds += msg.value;
        if (projects[addr].funds > winningFunds) {
            winningAddress = addr;
            winningFunds = projects[addr].funds;
        ProjectSupported(addr, msg.value);
        return true;

Now that we have projects, we can pledge some money to them. That is, if the proposal deadline has run out and we’re still before the campaign deadline.

This function is also payable, so we again have access to the msg.value, which is the amount of money pledged to the project. We check the deadlines, whether the pledged value is a positive number and if there is even a project with the given address. If any of this fails, we throw and cancel the transaction.

if everything goes well, we increase the project’s funds and update the winning project, also triggering the ProjectSupported event for debugging.

    function getProjectInfo(address addr) public constant returns (string name, string url, uint funds) {
        var project = projects[addr];
        if (!project.initialized) {
        return (, project.url, project.funds);

Now, in order for our UI to be able to display the available projects, which we need to do, because it would be quite hard for a user to support a project if they can’t get any infos about it or the address to send the money to, we also provide a getProjectInfo function.

Remember, as I stated above, we can’t return structs as of yet, but what we can do is return multiple values from one function, which is exactly what we are doing here.

Also notice the constant modifier, which means that this function doesn’t modify the state of the blockchain and therefore doesn’t cost any Gas.

    function finish() {
        if (now >= deadlineCampaign) {
            PayedOutTo(winningAddress, winningFunds);

Alright. Let’s say people proposed some projects and we also had some people pledging money to those projects. What happens then? Optimally, we would automatically end the contract, once the campaign deadline is over.

However, this is not easy to do, we would have to trigger it based on some time, like a cronjob. Now, there are solutions for this out there such as this, but in our case, we will just create a finish function, which has to be called at some point after the deadline is over (by the winner for example).

If the deadline is not over, we just don’t do anything. If it is however, we basically just trigger an event and call selfdestruct with the winningAddress.

This selfdestruct is a built-in function, which closes the contract and pays all the money in it to the given address. So this ends our Winner Takes All Crowdfunding.

And that’s it! Now how can we test this?

Debugging / Testing

Debugging and Testing the Smart Contract are not particularly easy, but it’s possible. The frameworks mentioned below all include some way of Unit Testing Smart Contracts, for example simply by starting testRPC and writing asynchronous JavaScript tests (e.g.: chai / mocha) with web3 and validating that they had some impact on the blockchain. There are also useful utilities like chaithereum.

I mentioned Events above as a mechanic for debugging Solidity contracts and web3 has a way to listen to these events, which can greatly help when writing complex contract logic.

You can do this using allEvents:

var events = myContractInstance.allEvents([additionalFilterObject,] function(err, log){
  if (!err)

In this case, we only log the events, but as you can imagine, we could use this to implement features using the event’s logging capabilities as well.

In general, web3, because it is a full API to the blockchain, can be very helpful for:

Querying the contract’s public interface (getters / public variables)

crowdfunder.numberOfProjects(function(err, data) {
    // handle error and data


Sending transactions to the contract

crowdfunder.submitProject.sendTransaction(projectName, projectURL, {
    from: senderAddress,
    value: entryFee,
    gas: 600000,
}, function(err, data) {
    // handle errors and data

Checking the balances of different accounts on the blockchain



As well as converting to/from Wei and some other utilities:

web3.fromWei(web3.toDecimal(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0])), 'ether');

crowdfunder.minimumEntryFee(function(err, data) {
    if (!err && data) {
        console.log(web3.fromWei(web3.toDecimal(data), 'ether') + ' ether'));

All in all, web3 is pretty well documented and works as one would expect, providing a rich interface to build and test DApps.

Frontend Implementation

I also quickly threw together a simple Web-UI in order to test the application in a nicer way. The code (not very pretty and without finishing touches) for the UI is also in the GitHub repo.

It uses:

The app connects to testRPC, compiles the contract and provides handlers and a UI for:

Using mostly web3.js and the methods mentioned above in Debugging / Testing.

This is what it looks like::


After getting my feet wet with Smart Contracts, Solidity und Blockchain technology in general, from a developer’s perspective, I found it to be very similar to normal web development.

I mean sure, on the backend it’s very different. Instead of a Go or NodeJS app, there is a Smart Contract running on the Ethereum Blockchain and you have some new trade offs (Gas cost of deployment / state-changing operations).

But from the perspective of a frontend developer, it is actually very similar to usual web development. You have some endpoints which you call asynchronously to fetch data and to do transactions, all packaged up in a (hopefully) nicely designed Single Page Application.

Also, because the Ethereum ecosystem seems to favor JavaScript (web3, similarities within Solidity), JavaScript developers will be able to use many things they already know and love.

I’m curious to see how Blockchain technology, Smart Contracts and especially the Ethereum ecosystem will continue to grow and mature. After having taken a deeper dive, I can at least say that from a developer’s perspective, it’s not as scary or different as I thought it would be. :)


I work as a freelance software engineer and trainer and you can hire me. If you like my work, or my writing and if I sound like someone you'd like to work with, let's talk! :)